Floral Motifs on Early Chintz
Viburnum opulus - Snowball Viburnum
Viburnum opulus (Snowball Viburnum) from Private Collection, Broderie Perse Bed Set, c. 1840
Viburnum opulus (Snowball Viburnum) (published as Sambucus arbor rosea) Basilius Bessler, Hortus Eystettensis, vol. 1: Primus ordo collectarum plantarum vernalium, t. 13, fig. I (1620)
Viburnum plicatum a close relative of Viburnum opulus (Snowball Viburnum) growing at Tyler Arboretum.  Photo by (c)2010 Derek Ramsey (Ram-Man) [GFDL 1.2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/fdl-1.2.html)], from Wikimedia Commons.
Common Names: Snowball Viburnum, Snow-ball Viburnum, Common Guelder-Rose, Water Elder, Crampbark, Snowball Tree, European Cranberrybush
Description: Viburnum opulus (Snowball Viburnum) is a member of the Moschatel Family (Adoxaceae). The Hortus Kewensis, ed. 2, vol. 2 recorded that this plant is a native of Britain.

Flowers for which Viburnum opulus (Snowball Viburnum) may be mistaken:



Quilts with the above Viburnum opulus (Snowball Viburnum) motif: 
  • None known at this time

Chintz with this Viburnum opulus (Snowball Viburnum) motif: 
  • Private Collection, Broderie Perse Bed Set, c. 1840

  ©  Updated 2/2/2019    Author: Terry Terrell

Hydrangea macrophylla (Hydrangea) from the International Quilt Study Center & Museum, Maria and Emma Fish Quilt, Object Number 2005.053.0003
Snowball viburnums look very similar to hydrangeas, but are easily differentiated as individual flowers in the head all have five petals instead of the usual four petals in hydrangea flowers (though occasionally one or two flowers in a hydrangea head may have five petals the rest of the flowers in the head will have four petals).