Floral Motifs on Early Chintz
Clianthus puniceus - Kakabeak
Clianthus puniceus (Kakabeak) from W.J. Hooker's illustration in Curtis's Botanical Magazine, vol. 64, pl. 3584, 1837
Clianthus puniceus (Kakabeak) photo by Bernard Spragg. NZ from Christchurch, New Zealand, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Clianthus puniceus (Kakabeak) from the Victoria and Albert Museum, Furnishing Fabric, c. 1870-1890
Common Names: Kakabeak, Parrot's Beak, Parrot's Bill, Crimson Glory Pea
Description: Clianthus puniceus (Kakabeak) is a member of the Bean Family (Fabaceae). The Hortus Kewensis does not list this plant, but Curtis's Botanical Magazine, vol. 64, plate 3584,1837 states this native of New Zealand was first cultivated in Great Britain in 1831.
Quilts with this Clianthus puniceus (Kakabeak) motif:
Printed cotton with this Clianthus puniceus (Kakabeak) motif:
- Victoria and Albert Museum, Furnishing Fabric, Object Number T.394-1919, 1870-1890
© Updated 9/19/2021 Author: Terry Terrell