Floral Motifs on Early Chintz
Dendrobium sp. - Dendrobium
Dendrobium sp. (Dendrobium) from the Private Collection, Floral Twill with Orchids, Azaleas, Pinks, Fuchsias, and Ferns, late 1800
Dendrobium chrysanthum by John Lindley, Edwards's Botanical Register, vol. 15, plate 1229, 1829
Dendrobium sp. (Dendrobium)  photo by Felix González,CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Common Names: Dendrobium, Dendrobium Orchid
Description: Dendrobium sp. (Dendrobium) is a member of the Orchid Family (Orchidaceae). The Hortus Kewensis, ed. 2, vol. 5, pp. 212-213 lists three species of Dendrobium though today botanists recognize between 900 to about 1200 species.  Dendrobium is known to grow in "China, Japan, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, New Guinea, Vietnam and many of the islands of the Pacific."*  Because of the large number of species the textile designer's rendering prevent identification to species on this textile.  Most species of Dendrobium are "epiphytic [growing on other plants], lithophytic [growing on rocks], although a few species are terrestial [growing in soil]."*

Quilts with this Dendrobium sp. (Dendrobium) motif: 
  • None known at this time

Cotton Twill with this Dendrobium sp. (Dendrobium) motif:
  • Private Collection, Floral Twill with Orchids, Azaleas, Pinks, Fuchsias, and Ferns, late 1800s

* "Dendrobium," Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrobium, accessed May 22/2024.

   ©  Updated 6/2/2024     Author: Terry Terrell