Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily) growing in a modern garden.
Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily) from the Victoria and Albert Museum, Furnishing Fabric Fragment, Object Number T.418-1967, c. 1830-1840
Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily)(published as Calla aethiopica) from Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 1805, vol. 21, plate 832.
Common Names: Calla, Calla Lily, Arum Lily, Ethiopian Calla
Description: William Aiton in his 1812 book Hortus Kewensis, ed. 2, vol. 3 recorded that this native of the Cape of Good Hope was introduced to Britain in 1731.
Quilts with this Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily)*:
Private Collection of Miss Scott, Center Medallion applique quilt, Old Quilts, p. 183, "Probably 1810" (This date, suggested by Dunton in his Old Quilts book, is clearly in error)
Private Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Warren Schlenker, Elizabeth Dahle quilt, A Maryland Album, p. 12, c. 1840
The Collection of Eleanor F. Mackintosh, Appliqued Chintz Friendship Quilt, A Maryland Album, p.101, dated 1844-46
Daughters of the American Revolution Museum, Garnhart Eagle Quilt, Historic Quilts of the DAR Museum, p. 32, c. 1825
Daughters of the American Revolution Museum, Anna Catherine Garnhart quilt made for John Hanshaw Markey, Historic Quilts of the DAR Museum, p. 33, c. 1825-1840
Daughters of the American Revolution Museum, Mary Rooker Norris quilt, A Maryland Album, p.109, d. 1846
The Poos Collection, Trapunto Mathematical Star, Chintz Quilts from the Poos Collection, p. 208, c. 1835
International Quilt Study Center & Museum, Ardis and Robert James Collection, Center Medallion, possibly Baltimore, MD, IQSC1997.007.0306, 1830-1850
International Quilt Study Center & Museum, Ardis and Robert James Collection, Center Medallion, IQSC1997.007.0479, d. 1843-1844
International Quilt Study Center & Museum, Center Medallion, possibly made in Springfield, OH, IQSC 2001.015.0001, c.1852
The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Chintz Applique Medallion Quilt with stuffed work, Museum Object No. 1960.1024, c. 1825
The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Chintz Applique Quilt, Museum Object No. 2016.0010.001, 1844
Maryland Historical Society, Charlotte Augusta Norris Wedding Quilt, The Baltimore Album Quilt Tradition, p.17, c. 1839
Maryland Historical Society, Elizabeth Clark quilt, The Baltimore Album Quilt Tradition, p. 58, c. 1840
Private Collection, Lone Star Quilt with Chintz Appliques and Chintz Border, c. 1840
Chintz with Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily)*:
The Victoria and Albert Museum, Furnishing Fabric Fragment, Object Number T.418-1967, c. 1830-1840
Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily) from the Musée d'impression sur étoffes, 19th century fabric sample with birds, corals, shells, and flowers, manufactured by Thierry-Mieg & Cie, Mulhouse, France 1862
Quilts with this Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily):
None known at this time
Chintz with this Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily):
Musée d'impression sur étoffes, 19th century fabric sample with birds, corals, shells, and flowers, manufactured by Thierry-Mieg & Cie, Mulhouse, France, 1862
*Some of these citations come from Kay & Lori Lee Triplett and Xenia Cord, Chintz Quilts from the Poos Collection, (Saint Etienne de Montluc, France: Quiltmania Editions, 2013), 294.